Bringing up professionals

For the children who benefit from Dançando Para Não Dançar, ballet is the key to a better future through learning and citizenship. Today, classical dance has already become a fact in many communities of Rio de Janeiro. Dancing is an excellent alternative to the tremendous violence of these communities, who suffer from abandon and lack of opportunities, showing that talent and determination can make an enormous difference in people’s lives. Students lilke Bárbara Melo (Cantagalo), Márcia Freire (Cantagalo), Paulicéia Borges (Mangueira),  Ingrid Silva (Mangueira), Júlio César (Cantagalo) and Rômulo Binelo (Pavão-Pavãozinho) are symbols of future and hope. Other fine examples are students Francisca Soares (Pavão-Pavãozinho), Juliana Silva (Mangueira), Fernanda Duarte (Rocinha) and Vanessa Duarte (Rocinha) who took their first ballet steps at the Project and are now monitors at Dançando Para Não Dançar. These young people are planting the seeds to a brighter future within their communities.